
Biodegradable formula.

Not everyone knows that fire extinguishers contain " AFFF " substances that are toxic to the environment, which are not only dangerous in contact with the skin, but also pose a threat to the respiratory tract and our eyesight.
iBlockFIRE is the first fire extinguishing equipment in the world in which they have been removed from storage, making iBlockFIRE safe for the environment, people and animals. Without losing effectiveness, but even improving it to as many as five fire groups.

By creating a 100% biodegradable and environmentally safe extinguishing agent, it allows us to safely and quickly completely decompose in nature. Moreover, it does not expose the extinguished surface to damage and does not even leave a trace.


The next step we have taken towards our common home - our planet - is Recycling+.

Each spray bottle received for replacement is recycled
and recycled. By reusing the bottle, we save natural resources. Additionally, a customer who returns an old bottle receives a 10% discount on the same product.

Take care of your home and your loved ones... take care of our common home, which is the Earth.

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